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首页 > 供应 > 电站配套产品软件 > 蓄电池 > 北京北极星电源设备有限公司 > QUANTAbattery英国QUANTA蓄电池中国总代理



  • 面议
  • 起订量:1 只
  • 可售数量: 900 只
  • 支持批量采购
  • 发布时间:2022-09-16 12:06

产地:北京 北京 昌平 | 归属行业:蓄电池



联系人: 杨瑞

电话: 010-57192139

主营: 铅酸蓄电池,胶体蓄电池,锂电池,叉车蓄电池,AGV小车蓄电池,太阳能蓄电池,镍铬蓄电池




免费企业 诚信指数 0 


  • 店铺等级:
  • 旺铺店长: upsbattery


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  • 型号:齐全
  • 电压:12V
  • 适用范围:UPS电源、直流系统、轨道交通
  • 供货总量:900 只
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
  • 所在地:北京 北京 昌平

QUANTAbattery英国QUANTA蓄电池中国总代理Inverter batteries are usually a significant budget, a major reason every user has strong concerns about battery performance and durability. once a user has got the battery right, with reasonable assurance of long battery life, the satisfactory performance of the inverter system is over 90% assured. The inverter itself obviously has to work well, but most times that can be taken for granted. A faulty inverter can be repaired, but that's not so with the batteries. The the larger expenditure is on batteries, making the battery bank the most critical investment when you set up an inverter system. That's why you need a battery brand that can be trusted for performance!

TQUANTAbattery英国QUANTA蓄电池中国总代理here are many batteries out there, but Quanta is one that offers that kind of assurance you want. Quanta is designed to withstand stress and cope more effectively with the heavy usage that our acute power shortage induces. That's why the manufacturer assures you of long service life for Quanta battery. Even with the heavy usage batteries get subjected to in Nigeria, Quanta batteries averagely give well above two yours of active life. In all, you can be sure of your money's worth with Quanta battery. u=3573572174,3149917368&fm=26&gp=0

So, where lies the strength of the Quanta battery? It's in its advanced battery technology. As the manufacturers put it, Amaron Quanta is the product of fail-safe, fool-proof battery technology. Here are some of its great performance features and technology:

  • PPCP Containers with Low permeability to ensure that there is no water loss.
  • Side wall design to maintain structural integrity in high operating temperatures.
  • High Compression Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) Separator for greater than 98% recombination efficiency.
  • Heavy duty L terminal best suited to carry high rate discharges.
  • Highly reliable one way self resealing safety vent seal.
  • MFX alloy grid for high design life in float @ 27° C with maximum cyclic life.
  • FLAPPON Terminal protecting system to prevent short circuits.
  • Ergonomic design for easy handling.
  • Grouping the plates by Cast-On-Strap leads to integral lead crystals provides superior corrosion resistance to negative strap.
  • Superior high rate discharge with low internal resistance.
  • Unique heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant alloy for positive grids, to increase cyclic life in a tropical environmentQUANTAbattery英国QUANTA蓄电池中国总代理
  • Lower internal resistance for superior high-discharge performance
  • Instacharge, a patented paste recipe for excellent charge acceptance
  • Aesthetically designed with a rugged Flappon terminal protector that prevents shorts
  • Compact, lightweight, factory-charged, explosion-resistant and environment friendly
  • Clean and sleek looksu=579376897,504987532&fm=15&gp=0
QUANTAbattery英国QUANTA蓄电池中国总代理自2005年5月15日起,继代理美国江森“AMARON爱马龙”品牌蓄电池后,成为唯一的由德国VARTA公司授权在中国(除香港、澳门、台湾外) 经销VARTA电池的经销商。与此同时德国VARTA公司停止由新加坡销往中国的渠道。最近成为 Amara Raja-Johnson Controls Company 的“QUANTA”、 “POWERSTACK”品牌通信用和UPS、工业蓄电池中国总代理。 VARTA是欧洲最大汽车蓄电池公司之一,共有7个工厂,分布在德国、法国、西班牙和捷克。2004年销量达600万只。拥有各类领先技术,称雄于电池行业达一个世纪之久。自银合金蓄电池推向市场以来,一直是著名汽车制造商的首选,成为市场最佳卖点。  VARTA 公司由美国江森和德国博世合资,其中江森拥有80%股份,博世拥有20%股份。是江森蓄电池欧规电池技术中心。VARTA为欧洲所有的汽车生产厂家配套,配套份额在2004年达90%。 Amara Raja-Johnson Controls Company -是美国江森在亚洲的生产基地和日规电池技术中心。“AMARON爱马龙”蓄电池运用美国江森公司专利技术---银合金板栅,使蓄电池寿命特别是在高温75℃状态下(J240)的寿命,较同类产品延长1倍以上。宽大极耳的银合金板栅,大大提高了耐高温、耐振动、耐深放电、耐过充电、耐多次循环的性能。 独有的银合金加厚板栅,宽大极耳(19毫米),在75℃高温状态下(J240)的循环达到6000次.而普通铸造板栅为3000次,拉网板栅仅仅1800次。   通过并严格执行ISO9001、ISO14001和TS16949体系要求,质量控制成本和环保投入高于同行;高性能的PP塑料粒子,使电池槽通过最严格的撞击试验;采用玻璃纤维隔板,杜绝了短路的可能性;电池盖的专利设计,超过全球酸液渗漏标准,90度倾斜,超过10分钟不渗漏,标准仅为3秒。



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