产地:江苏 苏州 | 归属行业:硅片
APPENDIX 1.1: technical Specification of the monocrystalline silicon wafers
(This specification is integrally part of the contract)
Cz-Si Wafer Specification
Parameter Wafer
Crystal type: Monocrystalline
Growth method: CZ
Type/Dopant: P-type / Boron
Surface orientation: <100> ± 2.5°
Sides orientation of pseudo-square: <001>
Electrical characteristics
Resistivity: 0.5 to 3 or 3 to 6 _.cm
Lifetime: > 10 μs
Chemical characteristics
Carbon content: < 8.0 x 1016 cm-3
Oxygen content: < 1.0 x 1018 cm-3
Wafer square side / Ingot diameter: 156x156 ± 0,5mm / 195 ± 0,5mm
156x156 ±0,5 mm / 200 ± 0,5mm
Square sides angle: 90° ± 0.2°
Straight sections length deviation: < 0,5 mm
Wafer thickness: 200 ± 30 μm or 240 ± 30 μm
Dislocations: < 3000 cm-2
TTV (5 points): < 50 μm
Bow: < 70 μm
Warp: < 70 μm
Saw marks: < 20 μm
Edge defect: not allowed
Wafer surface: as cut, cleaned
Contamination: no dirt / oil stain, remains of soap / glue 9