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MB--BrickMaster BM 860
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  • 面议
  • 支持批量采购
  • 发布时间:2013-12-06 17:15

产地:上海 | 归属行业:切割设备

品牌:梅耶博格Meyer Burger


联系人: 臧小姐

电话: 41-(0)332212800

主营: Bricking, Squaring, Cropping and Wafering. Using our special technologies allows cutting ultra-thin wafers meeting the highest quality requirements of the solar industry




免费企业 诚信指数 0 


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  • 旺铺店长: meiye


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  • 供货总量:
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
  • 所在地:上海

BrickMaster BM 860
Cutting-Edge squaring
The BrickMaster BM 860 belongs to the newest generation of bricking solution. It can handle G6 (1000 x 1000 mm) as well as 6” and 8” mono c-Si. The maximum work piece amounts 550 mm. The use of diamond wire doubles the output compared to slurry-based bricking. The G6 format increases the output by an additional 40% (multi c-Si).
  • New machine concept with 300° freely accessible cutting room and 60% smaller footprint
  • Increased output due to Diamond Wire and G6 format, up to 240 MW
  • 25% reduced TCO compared to slurry based bricking (same formats)
  • Up to 60% reduced initial investment cost
  • >95% Uptime
  • 50% reduction of downtime between cuts due to innovative concept
  • 30% less pulleys compared to competitors
Modular concept - minimal foot print
The new machine concept of the BM 860 is based on proven Meyer Burger wire saw technology. The cutting room has 300° of free access and enables easy loading by fork-lift. The foot-print was optimized through compact arrangement of the different components. For the same production volume, the BM 860 needs 60% less space than comparable slurry-based systems. The proven concept of the extractable cutting unit was maintained and further optimized by including a quick-release system for a fast changeover of complete shafts.
Diamond wire from Diamond Technologies Inc.
As members of Meyer Burger Technology Group Diamond Wire Technologies Inc. and Meyer Burger Ltd. develop together diamond wire processes for solar wafering. The result of this unique co-operation in PV business is besides market leading output, a high surface quality, high accuracy of brick geometry and stable processes.
Ingot size
G5: 850 x 850 x 550 mm / G6: 1000 x 1000 x 550 mm
Ø 6"/8" x 500 mm
Brick size
156,8 x 156,8 mm
125,8 x 125,8 mm /156,8 x 156,8 mm
G8: 1330 x 1330 x 1000 mm
Ø 6"/8" x 1000 mm

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