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Peel Force Tester CONFORCE
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  • 发布时间:2013-12-06 17:40

产地:上海 | 归属行业:检验/测试设备/分选机

品牌:梅耶博格Meyer Burger


联系人: 臧小姐

电话: 41-(0)332212800

主营: Bricking, Squaring, Cropping and Wafering. Using our special technologies allows cutting ultra-thin wafers meeting the highest quality requirements of the solar industry




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  • 旺铺店长: meiye


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  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
  • 所在地:上海

Solar cells and their soldered connections are exposed to many different types of stress. The electrical as well as the mechancial demands on the connections are extremely high.
Great demands are placed on the soldered contact between the ribbon and solar cell busbar, and not only during the production process but later when the module is put into use the contact experiences both thermal expansion and mechanical expansions.
The mechanical reliability of the soldering joint is an important criterion and one which must be guaranteed. A common method for testing the mechanical soldering quality is the so called peel test or solar cell/ribbon adhesion test. This method, which destroys the soldered joint, measures the amount of force necessary to peel the ribbon from the cell.
With the new Conforce peel tester, ribbons can be peeled with a pull angle of 90° or 180° over the whole solar cell length. The result of the adhesion test is a force distance diagram. The force distance diagram shows over the complete length of the connection the force needed to peel the ribbon from the solar cell.
Which are the advantages of the CONFORCE peel force tester?
  • Flexible testing for 4", 5", 6" cells, 2 or 3BB, adhesion peel force angle 90° or 180°
  • Remarkable accuracy (± 0,125 N, 500 data/s)
  • Simple comparison of test test results, two test results can be displayed simultaneously
  • Intuitive user interface, quick uptake (HMI function identical to Somont stringer and CONSOL soldering table)
  • Simple data transfer for further analysis (CSV orPDF)
  • Compact design/tabletop unit, fast installation
  • Full PC integration
  • Robust construction, loadable to 25N

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