产地:上海 | 归属行业:光伏系统安装
电话: 86-21-6888-0306
主营: 电子技术/半导体/集成电路 电气/电力/水利仪器仪表及工业自动化 能源等
联系地址:新梅联合广场 中国上海市浦东新区浦东南路999号16A
The BERGER Module tester type PSS 8-AU with integrated safety testing is the top of the line system enabling fully automatic production without a dedicated operator for the flash testing station. The operator supervising the test station does not need special training on the HV testing as the test is completely software controlled and self-monitoring.
Our module testers also take advantage of our new measurement data acquisition approach to measure modules assembled from high efficiency cells. With this approach no extension of the measurement time is necessary. Existing systems can be easily upgraded with a software upgrade. The new features in the software for high efficiency modules can be switched off in the software so that standard modules can also be measured.