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Household Furnishings
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  • 发布时间:2013-12-29 10:46

产地:江苏 苏州 | 归属行业:光伏系统安装



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电话: 0512-62562258

主营: 业务范围涵盖搪瓷瓷釉、陶瓷瓷釉、色素、电子材料、塑料化合物、聚合物添加剂几大领域




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  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
  • 所在地:江苏 苏州

 Ferro provides a comprehensive line of porcelain enamel products for many uses where a hard, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant coating is required such as:

Major Appliance – Enamels are the preferred finish for oven interiors because of acid resistance, cleanability, and heat resistance. Ferro AquaRealEase® has revolutionized ovens by offering a short low-temperature clean cycle with only warm water. Enamels are also widely used on cooktops and ranges. Detergent resistant enamels are used on the interior and tops of home laundry washing machines.
Water Heaters/Boilers – Glass-lined water heaters are coated with porcelain enamel for water and corrosion resistance. Ferro offers water heater enamels capable of meeting the many requirements worldwide for water resistance.

BBQ – Porcelain enamels will not fade under outdoor conditions and stand up to the heat of grilling. Ferro’s Evolution® metallic colors -- such as the copper color here -- are widely used on barbecue grills.

Sinks and Bathtubs
 – Enamel is selected for use on sinks and bathtubs for its detergent resistance, abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, and easy cleanability. A wide variety of colors are available.
Cookware – Porcelain enamel adds long-lasting color to aluminum, cast iron, and steel cookware.  Porcelain enamel provides an easy-to-clean finish that is completely free of organic chemicals like PFOA and PTFE.
Architectural – Colorful enameled building facades are produced on steel or aluminum, are impervious to UV light, and resist graffiti.  Enameled architectural panels also find use in airports, train stations, tunnels, and as dry erase boards.
General Industrial – Other uses for porcelain enamels are farm products storage, water storage, chemical food processing equipment, heat exchangers, pipe linings, electronic substrates, refractories, heating equipment, and signage.

Product Forms

Ferro provides enamel products for the applications above in four possible forms:

Frit – Frit is the basic ingredient of porcelain enamel. Frit is most commonly a borosilicate glass and is formulated to incorporate desired properties like chemical resistance, heat resistance, color, cleanability, and more. Frit is made by melting raw materials together at about 2400°F (1315°C). The molten glass is quenched to provide flake particles that are used to make porcelain enamel coating.

Ready-to-Mill (RTM) – RTM material is a composto of frits and sometimes mill additions that are pre-weighed at Ferro so the applicator need only load them into a mill to grind into enamel slurry for application.

Ready-to-Use (RTU) – RTU powders are “cake-mix” powders that are fully ground by Ferro and ready to be reconstituted with water into enamel slurry on a high-shear mixer.

PERC® Powders – PERC® is porcelain enamel powder applied dry electrostatically and offers automation and efficiency required in modern mass production. The powder is charged and sprayed on the steel parts. There is no waste water in the coating process. Oversprayed powder is recirculated back to the feed hopper, making powder 99% efficient. Colors are processed in a single fire.

Glass frit used to make porcelain enamel.

PERC® powder being sprayed onto a steel part

Ferro serves porcelain enamel customers worldwide from locations in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, France, Spain, Italy, China and Australia.


Please use our Information Request form to let us know how we can help you, or click here to reach a Sales and Service team member.

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