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首页 > 供应 > 光伏系统安装 > 福禄(苏州)新型材料有限公司 > Containers/Packaging



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  • 发布时间:2013-12-29 10:47

产地:江苏 苏州 | 归属行业:光伏系统安装



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电话: 0512-62562258

主营: 业务范围涵盖搪瓷瓷釉、陶瓷瓷釉、色素、电子材料、塑料化合物、聚合物添加剂几大领域




免费企业 诚信指数 0 


  • 店铺等级:
  • 旺铺店长: fulu


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  • 供货总量:
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
  • 所在地:江苏 苏州

 Ferro's Decoration Color product offerings include:

CerDeColor® – Low toxic metal release and lead- and cadmium-free colors to meet the exacting performance demands of the ceramic industry in the 21st century. Products include brilliant decorating colors for onglaze, inglaze and underglaze application on various substrates. 

Xpression – Organic colors for decal printing on wood, plastic, porcelain, glass, ceramic, stainless steel, coated aluminum, and varnished surfaces. Applications include bicycle and motorcycle helmets, motorcycles and other vehicles, skateboards, skis, bicycles, surfboards and other sports equipment, strollers, furniture, bottles, vases, lampshades and small household appliances, displays and industrial labels.

These colors are produced under the most stringent manufacturing conditions to ensure that contamination from minor material impurities is minimized to a level that does not impact their ability to comply with current legislation on toxic metal release in the global market.

Container Glass Enamels - Inorganic glass enamels formulated to meet the needs of our customers from all market segments:
- Beverage bottles for single- and multi-trip use
- Cosmetic and perfume bottles
- Glass tableware, stemware and tumblers
- Glass decorative and promotional ware
- Lighting 
- Pharmaceutical, ampoules and laboratory glassware

Organic Coatings and Inks (SpecTruLite) 
- A full palette of organic colors (coatings and inks) for direct printing on glass offers decorators and designers a wide choice of coloring effects and possibilities, including cadmium-free reds. Market segments served:
- Beverage bottles for single-and multi-trip use
- Cosmetic and perfume bottles
- Glass tableware, stemware and tumblers
- Glass decorative and promotional ware


Forehearth Colors - Almost all colors produced in the tank can be made using FHC technology. In addition, FHC delivers many advantages over tank coloration, such as improved productivity, greater flexibilty, lower inventory and shipping costs and reduced energy consumption. The colorants are available as concentrates, pearls or in fritted form. FHC equipment and layout design services are offered, together with a full color matching service to suit your particular glass formulation(s). 


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