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Machining & Stamping
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  • 支持批量采购
  • 发布时间:2013-12-30 15:27

产地:浙江 宁波 | 归属行业:晶硅组件生产用原材料



联系人: 王勇

电话: 0574-88256259

主营: 制造、研发与加工太阳能电池/组件产品




免费企业 诚信指数 0 


  • 店铺等级:
  • 旺铺店长: meilede


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  • 供货总量:
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
  • 所在地:浙江 宁波

 As a China-based machining products supplier, Worldwide has a strict material inspection lab and rigid Quality Assurance systems that ensure that products meet customers' requirements. Our design capability and several CNC equipped shops allow us to produce complicated components to very tight tolerances and stringent surface finish requirements.


Machining is one of our strongest production capabilities. We offer a wide range of machining technologies supporting various industries including: automotive and general transportation, industrial/commercial products, aerospace subsystems, telecommunications, etc… Our numerous machining facilities in China are equipped with high precision CNC Machines and Machining Centers. These allow us to support the various demands and specifications of our customers in different industries.


Stamping is Worldwide's largest product capability. We utilize eight large stamping factories in China that have both mechanical and hydraulic presses. Our factories are supported by captive tool shops that can produce custom tooling on short lead-times. In addition, for shops that do not have post stamping finish capabilities, we have partnered with outside process providers to support requirements such as plating, annealing, powder coating, PVD, etc…


Worldwide's extrusion facilities can produce parts of varied shapes from solid round, rectangular, T and L shapes to custom cross sections. This capability has been used to support automotive, capital equipment, aircraft and general construction applications.

Call and talk to one of our manufacturing sales specialists about your Machining and Stamping requirements. The savings and quality will be worth the effort. Our mission is to deliver customers unbeatable prices, performance and deliveries with a winning attitude. Call today: 650-794-9888

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